Road The Chester Food, Drink is conveniently located close to the M53, M56, M6 and A483, providing excellent links from Liverpool, Manchester, North Wales and the south of England.
The Racecourse is signed from all the major routes into Chester.Enter the Postcode CH1 2LY into your satellite navigation system or directions finder.
Train Chester Train Station is located a 20-30 minute walk from the festival through the picturesque Chester city centre.
A circular bus service runs every 6 minutes between the station & the Chester City Centre.
Festival Accessibility Policy
CamperFest and The Chester Food, Drink and Lifestyle Festival are committed to making the Festival accessible to all. The Festival site is wheelchair friendly throughout. Accessible toilets are available in the Food Village.
For further information or advice on attending the Festival please contact Briony Wilson on 01244 956 414 or email